Corona Wakeboard Cup 2011 - Asten, Austria

Corona Wakeboard Cup 2011 by ÖWWV and IWWF

Corona Wakeboard Cup 2011

International CWWC tour stop Asten Au-See fueled by Monster Energy

August 20th, 2011


On it’s third and last cable stop the Corona Wakeboard Cup 2011 comes to the wake-park Asten Au-See next to Linz. No less then 400 points for the CWWC world ranking will be awarded. Additional a prize money of € 2.000,- will be paid out in the open categories.

Riders from all over Europe as well as some guys from Australia are joined so far.

Not to forget the members of the Austrian Wakeboard team, including Daniel Fetz, Stefan Lebwohl, Emilio Epstein, Astrid Schabransky, Philipp and Lisa Turba plus many more will compete.

The course in Asten provides 3 Kickers, an inside funbox, an outside monster-box, a straight slider and a wedge. For sure there will be a Corona after contest party as well.


For further information about the Corona Wakeboard Cup visit:

Check out the bulletin.

Results and Startlists

-= The official website of the IWWF Cable Wakeboard World Council =-
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