European Championships 2011 - Int. Judge Seminar
As a part of the European Championships 2011 in Belgrade the IWWF will host an int. Judge Seminar on Tuesday and Wednesday, before the Europeans start. A very good chance for riders and Team Captains to understand who are the judges working.
Daniel Ratkovic, Simone Sivieri, Aaron Armbost, Alex Koester.
The Seminar will be combined with your participation at the European Championships. It is possible to take part at both events!
Seminar Costs & Benefits
The seminar takes 2 days (Tuesday, Wednesday) and includes:
- Coffee breaks in the morning with drinks, bread or cake
- Coffee breaks in the afternoon with drinks, bread or cake
- Free non alcoholic drinks during the day/ Seminar
- Lunch and Dinner on Tuesday & Wednesday
Costs (Entry fee): 75 EUR
Seminar Contents:
- Introduction: Why is it important to become an Official? IWWF Structures; Officials’ levels
- Organizing a competition: Crew for the competition
- Before the competition: Chief judge duties, Safety, Time table, Heat system
- During the competition: How do we judge? / judging system, Overview of the trick list,
- Grabs, Slider, tricks, Short cut and signs, Overview of the rules, Changes to the rules, Protest ,Video analysis
- Scoring the Competition: Scoring System and Program
- After the competition: Results, Paperwork
- Practical exercise /Video/ Questions, Examination theoretical, Examination practical, individual evaluation, announcement of results
Please register at and join there the Seminar in the section My Zone at Comps & Events!
The deadline join the seminar at is Sunday, 28th August.
However, we do advise everyone to book the accommodation soon because of the limited availability in the hotels.
Find all documents at
You don't have to print the documents, printed copies will be handed to you during program, but please study and prepare so we can devote more time to the video sessions and practice.
Download Timetable: here