5th IWWF World Championships 2008 - Anapa, Russia
Rider rock Russia – Ski Rixen Vostok Cable Wakeboard World Championships 2008 in Anapa
Toprider elect World Champions in Russia.

Yes, it’s done – today the Best of the world’s best riders elected their World Champions within the categories Girls, Boys, Junior Ladies, Junior Men, Open Ladies, Open Men and Masters Men.
Absolutely lunacy – already in the early morning the rider were in best form. The Girls put their whole heart in it and opened the finals with results which can not be topped so easy.
Aurie Brabänder from Marburg/Germany kept her promise: yesterday still on 3rd place and today on 1st place – a great step to the top of the worlds. Like to motto: The best comes last. She scored with 65.00 points in the final runs so that the air was getting thin for Joelle Feenstra from Holland and Sophie Cordery from England. But both girls kept their strong nerves and presented a trick-set that should be copied. Sophie (63.67 points) is close to Aurie and will take the 2nd place home to her Homecable JBSKI Thorpe. Joelle (63.17 points) had a very good scoring on Saturday but she was not able to defend her 1st qualification’s position and is placed on the 3rd step on the podium now.
The favourite starting field of the category Boys consisted of Connor Jones (UK), Yves van der Hoff (NL) and Frederic von Osten. Frederic continued his streak of success and convinced with his Frontroll Tailgrap which pushed him to the 1st place.
No risk – no fun: Yves van der Hoff (NL) showed extreme limits and amazed everyone. He was speed up and did a crazy Switch Mob and a Toeside 5 so that he came in 2nd. Connor presented constant runs as usual but he could not catch up Yves. He achieved 59.67 points is celebrated by his British team now.
The 1st place within the category Masters Men will stay in Russia. Sergey Ryazantsev (45.50 points) dominated the category and outpaced his competitors Jurij Pashkov and Zoran Smiljanic.
Pure adrenaline – Jurij rocked the Table and reached a scoring of 40.47 points. Both Russian riders showed a great competition and left the Serb Zoran Smiljanic (17.33 points) on the 3rd place. Get ready – the Junior Ladies were in actions and amazed the judges with sensational Stylez so that it was not difficult to score. First and foremost Mayanka Jansen (NL) with 52.50 points. Ginger Pfennings (GER)
achieved 47.67 points and got the title of the Vice World Champion in her category. Tor “Victoria” Young from England came in 3rd (37.83 points) and reached a further milestone in her wakeboarding career.
The Junior Men impressed all along the line. Moritz Petri (GER) achieved a scoring of 55.83 points and came in 1st. Unfortunately Lewis Cornwall (55.50 points) could not defend his success of the qualifications. His competitor Tom Richter (GER; 49.00 points) was very close to him but could not catch up.
Maxine Sapulette (NED) before her Final Run
Hot hot hot – the Open Ladies speed up! In spite of difficult conditions because of upcoming wind in the afternoon the Ladies achieved great results. Maxine Sapulette (NED) and Kinga Horvath (HUN) competed in a hot competition. Maxine (Ex-World Champion 2006 in the category Girls) proved her talent and came in 1st (71.17 points). Kinga, the Hungarian Favourite, scored 64.00 points and left Alizee Brion from France with 44.33 points on the 3rd place. No big surprise …
The cream of the crop has started and Anapa became exalted – the category Open Men burned the Black Sea. Head wind and keen competitors complicated the comps but everybody of the 8 top riders belong to the world’s top class and managed it. After the runs of the Open Ladies the OBSTIXX Kicker must be repositioned and after the first run the instructors had to interrupt the contest for 30 minutes. This time it happened to the Funbox. The Team Captains decided to repeat the first run. Bad luck for the British Nick Davies who shocked his competitors with his results at first.
Mike Ketellapper (NL) took his chance and presents one of the best trick-sets ever. Finally he was rewarded with the title of the World Champion (78.67 points). Nick Davies gave up hoping for the title but he grit his teeth again and came on 2nd place (74.00 points). Israel’s top rider Lior Sofer did a fantastic run so that he really impressed the judges to score him with 72.83 points.
A weekend full of highlights, thrills and action!!! Riderz rock Russia!!!
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