The new Ranking System

Since 2010 we have used the following system, for information on previous systems please look below (
For 2010 we decided to do away with the rule that riders can receive ranking points for categories that they have not started in. This was to improve the fairness and accuracy of the rankings. Now riders are only awarded ranking points for the category they start in at a particular competition.
Ranking example: a Girl wins the international comp in the Open category and wins 500 points in Open ladies ranking. She also wins the Confederation champs in Girls, and 800 points in Girls ranking. So she's ranked in both Open Ladies and Girls, but in both age categories she only has the points she earned in that particular category: 500 in Open Ladies and 800 in Girls.
There contiues to be a limit of the 6 best results for each age category when calculating the ranking.
The CWWC world ranking includes all international 2,3,4,5 and 6 star competitions (including national championships).
The CWWC National Ranking includes everything in the world ranking AND also includes 1 and 2 star national competitions for riders from the host country ONLY.
e.g. if a German rider enters a French national competition they will receive NO ranking points for either the French or German national rankings. French riders will however receive French national ranking points.
Expiration of ranking points:
World and Confederation championships will expire once the next championship is held OR on the 31st December of the second year following, which ever comes sooner.
National Championships will expire when next held OR on the 31st December in the year following, which ever is sooner.
Other Competitions will expire after 365 days.
For a more detailed explanation please see the world rules.
The new system for 2009 CWWC International and National Rankings
Cable Wakeboard World Council (CWWC) considered the new ranking system through 2008 and with a valuable feedback from riders, officials and media partners created and announced the new ranking system for 2009.
The objective was to improve the system in order to award the truly best riders across categories and to have the results published quickly to provide riders with immediate access to their ranking places for sponsors, federations and so on.
The details of the system of awarding points, competition types and ranking rules are described in detail in CWWC Rulebook 2009.
Riders will be ranked in all age categories where they earned points, with results from the respective and all higher categories.
Example 1: a Girl wins the international comp in the Open category and wins 500 points in Open ladies, Junior ladies and Girls. If she wins the Nationals in Junior ladies, she gets 400 points in Junior ladies and Girls. If she wins the Confederation champs in Girls, she gets 800 points in Girls. So her theoretical sum for all these results added up is 500 in Open ladies, 900 in Junior ladies and 1700 in Girls
Example 2: a Veteran wins the international comp in the Open category and wins 500 points in Open men, Master men and Veteran men. If he wins the Nationals in Master men, he gets 400 points in Master men and Veteran men. If he wins the Confederation champs in Veteran men, he gets 800 points in Veteran men. So his theoretical sum for all these results added up is 500 in Open men, 900 in Master men and 1700 in Veteran men
CWWC Rankings 2009 (World rankings) include all international competitions, national championships, Confederation Championships (competition types A-D from the rulebook), with 6 best results for every rider in every age category
Regional Rankings 2009 – there are no more regional rankings. Only one international ranking list – CWWC World Rankings
National Rankings 2009 include all international competitions, national championships, Confederation Championships, national tours and other national registered events (competition types A-F from the rulebook), with 6 best results for every rider in every age category
World Championships are held only in even years, so next time in 2010. They will be included in both CWWC and National rankings 2010 (that's competition type A:)
CWWC Rankings 2009 will be rolling rankings with yearly rankings published for each full calendar year ie 1 Jan – 31 Dec 09
All rankings, competition calendar, online registrations, rider profiles, news, updates, official documents and much much more are available at CWWC official website You can access the current rankings and also 12 months rankings from any date you choose. Enjoy!
CWWC announced valuable awards for best ranked juniors and open riders in 2009! Stay tuned for more info, check the calendar, join one of the next events online and start your quest for CWWC awards!!
Good luck to all riders and if you have any comments or questions don't hesitate to contact us at any time.
Cable Wakeboard World Council
Find a list with all competitions for the 2009 CWWC Ranking
Riders were ranked only in their age category, even if they started in higher categories at some competitions
World Rankings 2008 included World Championships and National Championships only
Regional Rankings 2008 included all international competitions, national championships and the EAME Championships (competition types A-D from the rulebook), with a restriction of a maximum of points in one type of competition, up to the maximum points in the next higher type of competition
National Rankings 2008 included all international competitions, national championships, EAME Championships, national tours and other national registered events (competition types A-F from the rulebook), with a restriction of a maximum of points in one type of competition, up to the maximum points in the next higher type of competition.