IWWF Cable Developement Committee

The IWWF has created a Cableway Development Committee with the following members: 

Uwe Goldstein, Germany

 Varna Laco, Croatia

Franz Kuhn, Austria

Sherm Schraft, USA 

Jürgen Pitz, Gemany

The principal aims of this Committee are: 

  • To promote and help establish the creation of cableways around the world
  • To assist in the development of  waterskiing and wakeboarding at cableways worldwide
  • To encourage cableway owners to be members of their national federation
  • To give advice for the creation of a national Waterski and Wakeboard Federation where there is no existing federation
  • To organize or to support the organization of national and international events.
  • To co-operate with the IWWF Cableski and Cable Wakeboard councils for promotion
  • To co-operate with the relevant IWWF Confederation and keep the President informed of new developments
-= The official website of the IWWF Cable Wakeboard World Council =-
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